Includes everything a tech fan and game and app enthusiast would need

APKLOKY’s mission

At APKLoky, our top priority is ensuring relevant, trustworthy information for users and covering everything in Android mobile apps and games. With that responsibility, every action given to users is carefully considered by APKLOKY.

Important people (Important people)

APKLOKY always puts users first, APKLOKY wants to ensure users are respected and always feel comfortable when using APKLOKY.
So, if you see signs of violent or negative information that makes you feel uncomfortable, please share with us. The APKLOKY team is always ready to help, trying our best to ensure that such content will not appear again on the APKLOKY website.


Born with the mission of bringing you game news updates with the latest applications. APKLOKY was founded by a group of like-minded individuals. All members work to the best of their ability to achieve the company’s common goal – to provide users with an enjoyable experience.
At APKLOKY, everyone is free to be themselves, freely express their creativity and experience APKLOKY services.

Let’s keep growing

with APKLOKY The APKLOKY team understands that managing a business is not easy, so APKLOKY constantly improves to develop its website to bring the best quality and experience. Therefore, APKLOKY believes that, with the support of users, APKLOKY can become much stronger in the future.